The First Iron Lady Page 36
129. Wilkins, op. cit., p.50
130. See National Archives, SP90/3/202, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 14 February 1705
131. Ingrao, Charles W., and Thomas, Andrew L., ‘Imperial Consorts, Piety and Power’, in Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.113
132. Ibid., p.112
133. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 935, no 20
134. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Rich, 1 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.288
135. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.14
136. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.34
137. Jones, Thomas, The Rise and Progress of the Most Honourable and Loyal Society of Antient Britons (W. Wilkins, London, 1717), p.61
138. Cowper, Hon C.S., ed., Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper, Lady of the Bedchamber to the Princess of Wales, 1714–1720 (John Murray, London, 1864), p.41
139. Addison, Joseph, ‘To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, With the Tragedy of Cato. Nov. 1714’
140. Bertoloni Meli, Domenico, Caroline, Leibniz and Clarke, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 60, no 3 (1999), p.473
Chapter II: Electoral Princess
1. Van der Kiste, John, King George II and Queen Caroline (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1997), p.9
2. See Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.72; Chenevix Trench, Charles, George II (Allen Lane, London, 1973), p.7
3. Sophie Charlotte to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 December 1702, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.28
4. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Rich, 1 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.288
5. See National Archives, SP90/3/242, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, to Robert Harley, 14 March 1705
6. Wilkins, op. cit., p.42
7. Ibid.
8. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5
9. Arkell, op. cit., p.19
10. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5; Plumb, J.H., England in the Eighteenth Century (Pelican, London, 1960), p.42
11. Arkell, op. cit., p.23
12. Wilkins, op. cit., pp.47–8
13. See Shropshire Archives, MI5444/18, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, to George Stepney, 7 July 1705
14. Worsley, op. cit., p.10
15. Wilkins, op. cit., p.52
16. See Arkell, op. cit., p.22; copy of Caroline’s will, Devonshire Collections, Chatsworth House
17. Thompson, op. cit., p.30
18. See National Archives, SP90/3/352 and SP90/3/358, Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby to Robert Harley, 25 July 1705 and 1 August 1705
19. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.30 and p.56
20. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.215
21. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Amalie Elisabeth von Degenfeld, 20 August 1705, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.121
22. Van der Kiste, op. cit., p.35
23. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.17
24. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.163
25. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.203
26. Ibid., p.217
27. See Glowienka, Edward W., review of Leibniz and the Two Sophies: The Philosophical Correspondence, ed. Lloyd Strickland, Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 50, no 4, October 2012, pp.617–18
28. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.77
29. Hatton, op. cit., p.47
30. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/16
31. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/186–9
32. See Lambeth Palace Library, Miscellaneous Papers, MS 930/216
33. British Library, Stowe MS 222, Hanover Papers Vol. 1 (ff525)
34. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.149–50
35. Ibid., p.149
36. Brown, Gregory, op. cit., p.86
37. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.49–50
38. Arkell, op. cit., p.24
39. See British Museum, collection number 1982,U.536
40. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 11 January 1711, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.145
41. Vivian, Frances, A Life of Frederick, Prince of Wales, 1707–1751: A Connoisseur of the Arts (The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, 2006), p.61
42. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, 17 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.286, 290
43. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, 17 December 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.290
44. Thompson, op. cit., p.20
45. See National Archives, SP105/84/23, J. Schweinfurt to George Stepney, 18 January 1692
46. Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.5, and p.302, note 12; Borman, op. cit., p.41
47. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie, Electress of Hanover, 21 April 1704, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.114–15; Hatton, op. cit., p.98
48. Hatton, op. cit., p.97
49. Greenwood, Alice Drayton, Lives of the Hanoverian Queens of England (George Bell & Sons, London, 1909), p.154
50. Borman, op. cit., p.42
51. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.57
52. Hatton, op. cit., p.91
53. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.216; Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.65
54. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.216
55. Moore, Lucy, Amphibious Thing: The Life of Lord Hervey (Viking, London, 2000), p.163
56. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.187
57. See Hatton, op. cit., p.62
58. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.6
59. Marlow, Joyce, The Life and Times of George I (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1973), p.21
60. Van der Kiste, John, The Georgian Princesses (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 2000)
61. Black, Jeremy, The Hanoverians: The History of a Dynasty (Hambledon & London, London, 2004), p.57
62. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., pp.36–7
63. Ibid.
64. Hatton, op. cit., p.41
65. Coxe, William, Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford, 4 vols (London, 1816), Vol. 1, p.151
66. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.87
67. Thackeray, William Makepeace, The Four Georges (London, 1860), p.45; Sinclair-Stevenson, Christopher, Blood Royal: The Illustrious House of Hanover (Jonathan Cape, London, 1979), p.25
68. See National Archives, SP105/84/24, J. Schweinfurt to George Stepney, 3 February 1692
69. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses)
70. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.25
71. See National Archives, SP105/54/40v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 20 July 1694
72. Gold, Claudia, The King’s Mistress: The True and Scandalous Story of the Woman who Stole the Heart of George I (Quercus, London, 2012), p.60
73. See National Archives, SP105/54/52, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 3 August 1694
74. See National Archives, SP105/54/28v, George Stepney to Thomas Wentworth, 19 June 1694
75. Greenwood, op. cit., p.115
76. Ibid., p.117
77. Ibid.
78. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses)
79. Hatton, op. cit., p.333, note 14
80. Greenwood, op. cit., p.122
81. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.34
82. Hatton, op. cit., p.69
83. See National Archives, SP105/54/40v, George Stepney to William Blathwayt, 20 July 1694
84. Greenwood, op. cit., p.101
85. Gold, op. cit., p.61
86. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
87. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.65–6
88. Greenwood, op. cit., p.150
89. Gold, op. cit., p.77
90. Vivian, op. cit., p.14
91. Worsley, op. cit., p.135; Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, 11 February 1751, in Mahon, Lord, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 4 vols (Ric
hard Bentley, London, 1845), Vol. 2, p.98
92. See National Archives, SP87/3/5, John, Duke of Marlborough to Henry Boyle, 27 April 1708
93. Hibbert, Christopher, The Marlboroughs: John and Sarah Churchill 1650–1744 (Viking, London, 2001), p.160 and p.183
94. See National Archives, SP81/161/434, Edmund Poley papers, undated
95. Arkell, op. cit., p.44
96. Ibid., p.34
97. Thompson, op. cit., p.22
98. Greenwood, op. cit., p.151
99. Royal Collection RCIN 406073, Sir Godfrey Kneller, George II when Prince of Wales, 1716
100. Rosenthal, op. cit., p.40
101. Arkell, op. cit., p.46
102. Greenwood, op. cit., p.166
103. Thompson, op. cit., p.22
104. Sophie of Hanover to Baron von Schütz, 30 October 1705, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.199
105. Robbins Landon, H.C., Handel and his World (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1984), p.83
106. Yorke-Long, op. cit.
107. Sophie of Hanover to Baron von Schütz, 8 December 1705, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.200
108. Arkell, op. cit., p.31
109. ‘distemper’, see Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.89; Arkell, op. cit., p.33
110. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.286
111. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 5 April 1707, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.246
112. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.90
113. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.210
114. Murray, General the Right Hon Sir George, Letters and Dispatches of John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough, from 1702 to 1712 (John Murray, London, 1845), Vol. 3, p.309
115. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.293
116. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (George II and Queen Caroline), p.21
117. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
118. Batey, Mavis, The Pleasures of the Imagination: Joseph Addison’s Influences on Early Landscape Gardens, Garden History, Vol. 33, no 2 (2005), p.205
119. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 11 January 1707, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.242
120. Seward, Desmond, Renishaw Hall: The Story of the Sitwells (Elliott & Thompson, London, 2015), p.21
121. Conduitt, John, ‘To The Queen’, in The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, Isaac Newton (London, 1728), p.x
122. See Sundt Urstad, Tone, Sir Robert Walpole’s Poets: The Use of Literature as Pro-Government Propaganda, 1721–1742 (Associated University Presses, London & Newark, 1999), pp.164–5
123. Leibniz to John Toland, 6 October 1707, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanover, LBr933Bl.12r
124. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.14; Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
125. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.287
126. See letter, George Augustus to Caroline, undated, qu Arkell, op. cit., p.46
127. Vivian, op. cit., pp.15–16
128. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., pp.21–2
129. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.233
130. Arkell, op. cit., p.46
131. Ibid.
132. Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 9 November 1709, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.288
133. Arkell, op. cit., p.46; Baker-Smith, Veronica, A Life of Anne of Hanover, Princess Royal (Brill, 1995), p.6
134. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.36
135. Thompson, op. cit., p.26
136. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.293
137. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 14 April 1712, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.158
138. Brooks, William, Nostalgia in the letters of Elisabeth Charlotte, the second Madame, Cahiers du 17e siècle, 10 (2006), p.7; Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 16 September 1714, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.167
139. Mademoiselle Schutz to Mary, Countess Cowper, 11 September 1710, Hertfordshire Records Collection, DE/P/F204
140. Thompson, op. cit., p.41
141. Worsley, op. cit., p.10; Sophie of Hanover to Hans Caspar von Bothmer, 29 April 1712, see Doebner, Richard, ed., op. cit., p.320
142. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.5
143. Hatton, op. cit., p.132, note 66
144. John Gay to Charles Ford, 7 August 1714, in Burgess, C.F., ed., The Letters of John Gay (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1966), p.12
145. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.83–4
146. Murray, ed., op. cit., Vol. 5, p.415
147. Borman, op. cit., p.39
148. Black, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.39
149. Borman, op. cit., p.30; Sedgwick, Romney, ed., Lord Hervey’s Memoirs (William Kimber, London, 1952), p.75
150. Worsley, op. cit., p.10
151. See Royal Collection RCIN420182
152. Quennell, op. cit., p.37; Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.52
153. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.74
154. The Flying Post, 12 October 1714
155. ‘low cunning’, Grundy, Isobel, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Comet of the Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999); Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.8
156. Borman, op. cit., p.38
157. Arkell, op. cit., p.65
158. The Flying Post, 12 October 1714
159. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.284
160. Borman, op. cit., p.102
161. Melville, op. cit., p.64
162. Ibid., p.61
163. Worsley, op. cit., p.370, note 20
164. Ibid., p.139; Bryant, Julius, Mrs Howard: A Woman of Reason (1688–1767) (English Heritage, London, 1988), p.7
165. Melville, op. cit., p.61
166. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.97
167. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Caroline, Princess of Wales, 19 March 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.182
168. See Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.102
169. Ibid.
170. Ibid., Vol. 1, pp.103–4
171. Ibid.
172. Marlow, op. cit., p.63
173. Anderson Winn, James, Queen Anne: Patroness of Arts (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014), p.631
174. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.23
175. Somerset, Anne, op. cit., p.505
176. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.109
177. See British Library, Stowe MS 242, Vol. II, ff218.12
178. Arkell, op. cit., p.56
179. Ibid.
180. Kroll, op. cit. (Sophie), p.246
181. John Arbuthnot to Jonathan Swift, 12 August 1714, in Dean Swift’s Works, 19 vols (London, 1801), Vol. 11
182. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 3 August 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.213
183. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Herr von Harling, 5 April 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.183
184. See William Adolphus Ward, Dictionary of National Biography, entry Caroline of Ansbach
185. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.258
186. ‘A Ceremonial for the Reception of His Most Sacred Majesty, George, By the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, etc, Upon His Arrival from Holland to his Kingdom of Great Britain’, 6 September 1714, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/1/17
187. Beattie, John M., The English Court in the Reign of George I (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1967), pp.258–9; Tillyard, Stella, A Royal Affair: George III and his Troublesome Siblings (Chatto & Windus, London, 2006), p.12
188. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.196
189. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Sophie of Hanover, 7 January 1714, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.162
190. Sackville-West, V., Knole and the Sackvilles (Ernest Benn, London, 1922), p.151
/> 191. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.23–4
192. Ibid., p.2
193. Ibid.
194. Campbell Orr, Clarissa, ed., Queenship in Britain 1660–1837: Royal Patronage, Court Culture and Dynastic Politics (Manchester University Press, Manchester, 2002), p.160
Chapter I: Princess of Wales
1. Hatton, Edward, A New View of London, 1708, quoted in White, Jerry, London in the Eighteenth Century: A Great and Monstrous Thing (Vintage, London, 2012), p.1
2. The Private Diary of William, First Earl Cowper (E. Williams, Eton, 1833), 21 September 1714
3. Defoe, Daniel, see The Review, 25 June 1709
4. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
5. Seward, op. cit., pp.21–2; Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.104
6. The Daily Courant, 12 October 1714
7. British Museum, collection number 1888,0515.51
8. ‘Wilhelmina Charlotta, Princessin von Wallis’, anonymous print, c. 1705–27, British Museum, collection number Bb,8.272
9. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1752), pp.4–6
10. Worsley, Lucy and Souden, David, Hampton Court Palace: The Official Illustrated History (Merrell, London, 2005), p.82
11. Addison, Joseph, op. cit.
12. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.285
13. Arkell, op. cit., p.80
14. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.286
15. Jones, Thomas, The Rise and Progress of the Most Honourable and Loyal Society of Antient Britons (W. Wilkins, London, 1717), p.56
16. Jones, Mary, Miscellanies in Prose and Verse (Oxford, 1750), pp.367–8
17. Thompson, op. cit., p.40
18. See British Museum, collection number 1877,1013.1178
19. Brett, Cécile, Revealing Thornhill’s mythological scene at Hampton Court, British Art Journal, Vol. 13, no 3 (winter 2012/13), p.4
20. See Royal Collection RCIN603771 and National Portrait Gallery NPG/D33029
21. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.25
22. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.150
23. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.38
24. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.287; Baker-Smith, op. cit., p.8
25. See Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.74
26. Defoe, Daniel, A Tour Thro the Whole Island of Great Britain, 3 vols (London, 1724–27), Vol. 1, p.12