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27. The British Museum owns a set of Pierce Tempest’s edition of 1688 of Laroon’s The Cryes of the City of London Drawne after the Life, including, for example, ‘Buy a fine singing Bird’, collection number 1972,U.370.10
28. Van Muyden, Madame, trans. and ed., A Foreign View of England in the Reigns of George I and George II: The Letters of Monsieur César de Saussure to his Family (John Murray, London, 1902), p.177
29. Dobrée, Bonamy, The Early Eighteenth Century 1700–1740: Swift, Defoe, and Pope (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959), p.6
30. Black, Jeremy, Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of George I, 1714–27 (Ashgate, Farnham, 2014), p.43
31. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.193
32. Worsley, op. cit., p.20
33. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.151; Hughes, Helen, ed., The Gentle Hertford: Her Life and Letters (Macmillan, London, 1940), p.209
4. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.118
35. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.24
36. Wright, Gillian, Producing Women’s Poetry, 1600–1730: Text and Paratext, Manuscript and Print (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013), p.216
37. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions, op. cit., p.6
38. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon) Vol. 1, p.66
39. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.35
40. See White, Jerry, op. cit., p.139
41. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.41
42. The Daily Courant, 31 January 1733, quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.226
43. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (Hanoverians), p.51
44. Field, Ophelia, The Favourite: Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 2002), p.340
45. See Marschner, op. cit., p.12
46. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.104
47. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.102
48. Peter Wentworth papers, p.431, quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.69; Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.14
49. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.102
50. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.47
51. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.187; Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.118
52. Marco Ricci, ‘View of the Mall in St James’s Park, after 1709–10’, National Art Gallery, Washington, Ailsa Mellon Bruce Collection 1970.17.132: see Einberg, Elizabeth, et al., Manners and Morals: Hogarth and British Painting 1700–1760 (Tate Gallery Publications, London, 1987), p.37; Hughes, Helen, ed., op. cit., p.65
53. John Gay to Charles Ford, 30 December 1714, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.16
54. Marschner, Joanna, and Bindman, David, Enlightened Princesses: Caroline, Augusta, Charlotte and the Shaping of the Modern World (Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2017), p.208
55. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.189, note 13; Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.162
56. Dudley Ryder, quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.169
57. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.201
58. Strong, Roy, Coronation: A History of Kingship and the British Monarchy (HarperCollins, London, 2005), p.372
59. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (A Subject for Taste), p.29
60. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p78
61. Christian Friedrich Zincke, Caroline of Ansbach, c. 1716–20, Royal Collection RCIN 421942
62. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.4
63. Marlow, op. cit., p.80
64. Monod, Paul Kleber, Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993), p.175
65. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.5; see National Archives, SP55/3/10, the Duke of Montrose to the Earl of Kinnoull, 9 October 1714
66. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.146
67. Hatton, op. cit., p.352, note 65
68. Gay, John, Poems on Several Occasions, op. cit., p.10
69. Bryant, op. cit., p.8
70. Marschner and Bindman, op. cit., p.204
71. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.168
72. Thompson, op. cit., p.40
73. Beattie, op. cit., p.264; Black, op. cit. (A Subject for Taste), p.32
74. Arkell, op. cit., p.79
75. Sheppard, Edgar, Memorial of St James’s Palace, 2 vols (Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1894), pp.8–10
76. See ibid., p.11
77. See ibid., p.10
78. Souden, David, Royal Palaces of London (Merrell, London, 2008), p.149
79. Beattie, op. cit., note, p.9; Thompson, op. cit., pp.45, 62
80. Hatton, op. cit., p.143
81. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), pp.8–9; Beattie, op. cit., p.265
82. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 23 October 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.233
83. Ibid.
84. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.19
85. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.14
86. ‘worst sollicitor’, Beattie, op. cit., p.162. See Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 24 September 1714: ‘I don’t say ’tis impossible for an Impudent Man not to rise in the World, but a Moderate Merit with a large share of Impudence is more probable to be advanc’d than the greatest Qualifications without it.’ In Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, pp.226–7
87. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.26
88. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.6
89. Gold, op. cit., p.166
90. Somerset, Anne, Ladies in Waiting: From the Tudors to the Present Day (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1984), p.201
91. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.7
92. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 1718, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/40
93. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.10
94. see Harris, Frances, A Passion for Government: The Life of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991), pp.204–5; Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 8 December 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/56
95. Smith, Hannah, The Court in England, 1714–1760: A Declining Political Institution?, History, Vol. 90, no 1 (January 2005), p.37
96. Grundy, Isobel, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Theatrical Eclogue, Lumen, 17 (1998), note 14
97. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.66
98. Greenwood, op. cit., p.189
99. Worsley, Lucy and Souden, David, op. cit., p.81
100. Beattie, op. cit., p.262
101. Quoted in Melville, op. cit., p.50
102. Burchard, Wolf, St James’s Palace: George II’s and Queen Caroline’s Principal London Residence, Court Historian, 2011, p.182
103. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.206
104. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield to G. Bubb Dodington, 20 August 1716, in Mahon, Lord, The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, 4 vols (Richard Bentley, London, 1845), Vol. 1, p.12
105. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.184
106. See Liselotte’s letter to Caroline of 15 December 1719: ‘When the princesses du sang or other ladies ate with the King, they were not served by gentilhommes servants but by officers of the King’s household, who used to wait from behind the chairs like pages.’ See Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.218
107. Princess Anne, daughter of George II and Caroline, on Caroline’s behalf, to Charlotte Clayton, undated [1730?], Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/69
108. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, both undated, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/29 and RA GEO/ADD/28/26
109. ‘Merry pranks’, see Worsley, op. cit., p.105
110. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147; Jones, Mary, op. cit., p.361
111. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated [March?] 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/50
112. Marschner, op. cit., p.12
3. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.122
114. Quoted in Melville, op. cit., pp.102–3
115. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.19
116. Cumming, Valerie, Royal Dress: The Image and the Reality 1580 to the Present Day (Batsford, London, 1989), p.48; Hatton, op. cit., p.143
117. Worsley, op. cit., p.363, note 91; Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.12
118. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), pp.152–3
119. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 10 May 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.172–3
120. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.79
121. Ibid., p.21, p.89
122. Brett, Cécile, op. cit., p.8, note 6
123. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.60
124. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 April 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.171
125. Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.39
126. Pricy Council, see Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.43; Civil List, see Hatton, op. cit., pp.144–5; Thompson, op. cit., p.63
127. See Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.104
128. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.207
129. Unsigned memorandum, 22 November 1722, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/52715–6
130. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Edward Wortley Montagu, 3 August 1714, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.213
131. Anonymous, ‘A Sacred Ode to King George’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, BOD20209, Roud number V7971
132. Anonymous, ‘An Excellent New Ballad’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (136, 137)
133. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 23 April 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.172
134. Dickson, Patricia, Red John of the Battles (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1973), p.179
135. Ibid., p.188
136. Ibid., p.189
137. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.215; ‘A Poem on Her Majesty’s Birthday, 1731–2’, in The Poetical Works of Richard Savage, 2 vols (Apollo Press, Edinburgh, 1780)
138. Baker-Smith, Veronica, Royal Discord: The Family of George II (Athena Press, London, 2008), p.26
139. Quoted in Beattie, op. cit., p.262
140. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.9
141. Dobrée, op. cit., p.381
142. Marschner, op. cit., p.102
143. See Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.72
144. Marsden, Jean I, Sex, Politics, and She-Tragedy: Reconfiguring Lady Jane Grey, Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900, Vol. 42, no 3 (2002), p.502, p.514
145. John Gay and Alexander Pope to John Caryll, April 1715, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.23
146. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.99
147. Ibid.
148. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147
149. Van Muyden, Madame, op. cit., p.177
150. Prescott, Sarah, op. cit., p.2
151. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.28
152. Ibid., p.55
153. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.199
154. Morgan-Guy, John, and Gibson, William, Religion and Society in the Diocese of St Davids 1485–2011 (Routledge, 2015), p.126
155. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.44
156. The Musical Times, 1878 volume, p.484
157. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.45
158. Walpole, Horace, Reminiscences, written in 1788, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y (London, 1818), p.27
159. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
160. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.102
161. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.28
162. Ibid., p.79
163. Hatton, op. cit., p.196
164. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.45
165. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.109
166. Ibid., p.115
167. Royal Collection RCIN/405313
168. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.105
169. Arkell, op. cit., p.93
170. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.12
171. Royal Collection RCIN404986
172. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.195
173. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Bristol, 25 November 1716, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 1, p.286
174. Campbell Orr, op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.147; Mahaffey, Kathleen, Pope’s ‘Artemisia’ and ‘Phryne’ as Personal Satire, The Review of English Studies, Vol. 21, no 84 (1970), p.466; Rosenthal, ed., op. cit., p.85; Impey, Edward, Kensington Palace: The Official Illustrated History (Merrell, London, 2003), p.70
175. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 4 January 1715, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.169
176. Thomas Tickell, ‘Kensington Gardens’, 1722
177. ‘A proportion of table linen to serve Their Royall Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and Family for Fourteen days as ye service was at Hampton Court’, 15 October 1715, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/1/28
178. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.121; Borman, op. cit., p.75
179. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.125; Greenwood, op. cit., p.208; Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.101
180. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.117
181. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.67
182. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.125
183. Ibid., pp.93–5
184. Clarke, Alured, op. cit., p.19
185. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.334
186. Matthews, William, ed., The Diary of Dudley Ryder 1715–1716 (Methuen & Co., London, 1939), p.298
187. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit., p.148
188. Borman, op. cit., p.71
189. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.121
190. Borman, op. cit., p.75
191. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.114
192. Ibid., p.123
193. Ibid.
194. Ibid., pp.123–4
195. Scott, Walter, The Heart of Midlothian (Archibald Constable & Co., Edinburgh, 1818), see Chapter 36
196. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.334
197. See Thompson, op. cit., p.47
198. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.117
199. Hatton, op. cit., p.199
200. Baroness von Gemmingen, to Mary, Countess Cowper, 9 October 1716, Hertfordshire Record Office, DE/P/F203
201. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 19 November 1716, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.185
202. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.233
203. Dr White Kennett to Mr Blackwell, in Ellis, Henry, ed., Original Letters Illustrative of English History, 4 vols (Harding and Lepard, London, 1827), Vol. 4, p.299
204. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.126
205. Ibid., p.127
206. Ibid.; Ellis, Henry, ed., op. cit., Vol. 4, p.299
207. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.233
208. Ibid., p.208
209. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.31
210. Quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.275
211. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
212. Quoted in Chenevix Trench, op. cit., p.117
213. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.46
214. Borman, op. cit., p.79
215. Melville, op. cit., p.25
216. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 9 December 1717, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), p.191
217. Hatton, op. cit., p.200
218. Worsley, op. cit., p.35
219. Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.91
220. Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.60
221. Hatton, op. cit., p.215, note
222. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
223. ‘Message from the late King to Prince of Wales, with the Answers’, undated, Royal Archives RA GEO/MAIN/54046
224. Ibid.
225. Clarke, Alured, p.22
226. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.284
Chapter II: Leicester House
1. Cowie, Leonard W, Leicester House, History Today, Vol. 23 (1973)
2. British Museum, collection number BM1880,1113.2999
3. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 27 August 1719, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.213–14
4. Thompson, op. cit., p.63; Connor, T.P., Colen Campbell as Architect to the Prince of Wales, Architectural History, Vol. 22 (1979), p.70, note 6
5. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Royal Discord), p.30
6. Tillyard, op. cit., p.21
7. See White, Christopher, The Dutch Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982)
8. See van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.67
9. Anonymous, ‘An Elegy upon the Young Prince’, Bodleian Library broadsheet ballads collection, MS. Rawl. poet. 207 (151–153)
10. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.151
11. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchess of Orléans, to Raugravine Luise von Degenfeld, 24 February 1718, see Kroll, op. cit. (Liselotte), pp.192–3
12. See Borman, op. cit., p.85
13. See Stephen Taylor, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, entry William Wake
14. Hatton, op. cit., pp.353–4, note; Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.212
15. To Lady Cowper, undated, Hertfordshire Record Office, DE/P/D203
16. Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.214
17. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.332
18. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 30 July 1719, Royal Archives RA GEO/ADD/28/53
19. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, 8 May 1716, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/36
20. Caroline to Charlotte Clayton, undated [late 1717 to early 1718], Royal Archives GEO/ADD/28/38