The First Iron Lady Page 39
65. Impey, op. cit., p.56
66. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.347
67. ‘epidemical distempers’, see Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.45
68. Thomas Tickell, ‘Kensington Gardens’, 1722
69. White, Christopher, op. cit., 68
70. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, 3 vols (London, 1920–23), Vol. 2, p.445, Vol. 2, p.138
71. See Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), pp.37–40
72. ‘On the Queen’s Mount at Kensington’, anonymous, St James’ Evening Post, 29 March 1733
73. Worsley, op. cit., p.157
74. Lord Hervey to Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 7 November 1727, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.87
75. Schaich, op. cit., p.148
76. Moore, op. cit., p.83
77. Borman, op. cit., p.177; Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.65
78. Worsley, op. cit., p.270
79. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.164
80. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.152
81. Ibid., p.153
82. Borman, op. cit., p.163
83. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lady Mar, October 1727, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.86
84. Walpole, Horace, op. cit., p.514
85. See Einberg, Elizabeth, et al., op. cit., pp.88–91
86. Jonathan Swift, A Poem to His Majesty King George II on the present state of affairs in England: with remarks on the alterations expected at court, after the rise of Parliament (Dublin, 1727)
87. Black, op. cit. (George II), pp.118–19
88. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, pp.39–40
89. John Gay to Brigadier James Dormer, 22 November 1726, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.63
90. John Gay, Fables, Vol. 1 (1727), Fable 1
91. John Gay to Alexander Pope, October 1727, in Burgess, C.F., ed., op. cit., p.65
92. John Gay and Alexander Pope to Jonathan Swift, 22 October 1727, ibid., pp.68–9
93. Quoted in Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.109
94. Richard Savage, The Bastard
95. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.16
96. George II to William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, 9 August 1757, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52970
97. Oates, Jonathan, Sweet William or The Butcher? The Duke of Cumberland and the ’45 (Pen & Sword, 2008), p.33
98. Jenkin Thomas Philipps to Prince William Augustus, December 1727, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 7; quoted in Oates, op. cit., p.33
99. Arkell, op. cit., p.165
100. See Royal Archives GEO/MAIN/53040 (undated)
101. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.62
102. Ibid.
103. Tillyard, op. cit., pp.12–13
104. Vivian, op. cit., p.64
105. See Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/6
106. George Tilson to Prince Frederick, 15 July 1726, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/5
107. Townshend to Prince Frederick, 16 August 1726, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/8
108. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.62
109. The Daily Post, 8 December 1728
110. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.814; Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.29
111. Vivian, op. cit., p.94
112. Quoted in Sinclair-Stevenson, op. cit., p.63
113. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.92
114. Greenwood, op. cit., p.304
115. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.128
116. See Royal Collection RCIN421802
117. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.162
118. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to Lord Hervey, 30 October 1734, see Halsband, Robert, ed., op. cit., Vol. 2, p.99
119. Worsley, op. cit., p.163
120. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.174
121. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit., p.169
122. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.23; van der Kiste, op. cit. (Georgian Princesses), p.65
123. Bushell, T.L., Princess Amelia and the Politics of Georgian England, The Centennial Review, Vol. 17, no 4 (1973), p.360, note 10
124. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.368
125. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.288
126. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.82
127. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.277
128. Ibid., Vol. 1, p.26
129. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.166
130. Vivian, op. cit., p.116
131. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.33
132. Woodward, John, Amigoni as Portrait Painter in England, The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 99, no 646 (1957), p.22
133. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.205
134. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.81
135. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.294
136. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.160
137. Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.101
138. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.64
139. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, pp.167–8
140. Quoted in Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.120
141. See Smith, Hannah, op. cit., p.201
142. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.609
143. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.86
144. Lady Lansdowne to Henrietta Howard, 20 August 1727, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767 (John Murray, London, 1824), Vol. 1, p.269
145. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.303
146. Quoted in Worsley, op. cit., p.133
147. Hughes, ed., op. cit., p.209
148. Egmont diaries, quoted in Marschner, Joanna, op. cit. (Baths and Bathing), p.27
149. Quoted in Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.220
150. See Black, Jeremy, ‘George II and All That Stuff’: On the Value of the Neglected, Albion: A Quarterly Journal Concerned with British Studies, Vol. 36, no 4 (2004), p.605
151. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.495
152. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.86
153. Smith, Hannah, op. cit. (Georgian Monarchy), p.208
154. Vivian, op. cit., p.101
155. Greenwood, op. cit., p.303
156. Vivian, op. cit., p.115
157. Gentleman’s Magazine, April 1736
158. Lord Hervey to Stephen Fox, 30 May 1727, in Ilchester, Earl of, ed., op. cit., pp.16–17
159. Jenkin Thomas Philipps to Princess Mary, Royal Archives GEO/ADD/1/9, letter 153; Craftsman, 16 August 1727; quoted in Robbins Landon, op. cit., p.134
160. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.37
161. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.751
162. Ibid., Vol. 1, p.102
163. Worsley, op. cit., p.166
164. Ibid., p.240
165. Quoted in Curteis, op. cit., pp.65–6
166. Worsley, op. cit., p.154
167. Ibid., p.155
168. Thomson, Mrs A.T., Memoirs of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough and of the Court of Queen Anne, 2 vols (Henry Colburn, London, 1839), Vol. 1, p.279
169. ‘To the Queen’, in Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., p.xii
170. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., Verse XXIV, p.17
171. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Europe), p.292
172. Schwoerer, Lois G., Images of Queen Mary II, 1689–95, Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 42, no 4 (1989), pp.735–6
173. Arkell, op. cit., p.168
174. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (‘George II and All That Stuff’), p.599
175. Verses on the Coronation, op. cit., Verse XLIX, p.24
176. St James’s Evening Post, 6 September 1729
177. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.125
178. Ibid., p.124
179. Thompson, op. cit., p.90
180. Ibid., p.92
. Jones, Thomas, op. cit., p.45
182. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.119
183. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.115
184. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.173
185. Cowper, op. cit. (Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper), p.114
186. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.103
187. Townshend letter, 28 November 1737, BM.Add.Mss.28058, fo.152, see Hanson, L.W., Townshend on the Death of Queen Caroline, The English Historical Review, Vol. 46, no 184 (1931)
188. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp.134–5
189. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.241
190. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.37
191. Marschner and Bindman, op. cit., p.333
192. Colton, Judith, Merlin’s Cave and Queen Caroline: Garden Art as Political Propaganda, Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 10, no 1 (1976), p.3
193. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.154
194. Paget Toynbee, Mrs, ed., The Letters of Horace Walpole, Fourth Earl of Orford, 16 vols (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1903–05), Vol. 16, p.322
195. Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet, op. cit., Letter XI
196. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.311
197. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.196, note 3
198. Ibid., p.94
199. Van Muyden, op. cit., p.205
200. Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels (Penguin Classics reprint, London, 2003), p.110
201. Marschner, op. cit. (Baths and Bathing), pp.25–6
202. Ibid., pp.24–6
203. The Poetical Works of Richard Savage, 2 vols (Apollo Press, Edinburgh, 1780), Vol. 2, p.180
204. Arkell, op. cit., p.229
205. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.107
206. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.101
207. Walpole, op. cit. (Reminiscences), (London, 1818), p.89
208. Worsley, op. cit., p.236
209. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.147
210. Quoted in Rushton, Alan R., Royal Maladies: Inherited Diseases in the Ruling Houses of Europe (Trafford Publishing, 2008), p.51
211. Hervey, MD, p.110
212. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.223
213. Thompson, op. cit., p.100
214. Arkell, op. cit., p.230
215. Worsley, op. cit., p.211; Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.164
216. See Taylor, Stephen and Smith, Hannah, Hephaestion and Alexander: Lord Hervey, Frederick, Prince of Wales, and the Royal Favourite in England in the 1730s, The English Historical Review, Vol. 124, no 507 (2009); Thompson, op. cit., p.99
217. Verses Addressed to the Imitator of the 1st Satire on the 2nd Book of Horace. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’s verse may have been co-written by Hervey
218. Worsley, op. cit., p.252
219. Hughes, op. cit., p.288; Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.80; Moore, op. cit., p.175
220. Alexander Pope, ‘Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot’
221. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.496; Worsley, op. cit., pp.168, 196
222. Moore, op. cit., p.239
223. See Batt, Jennifer, From the Field to the Coffeehouse: Changing Representations of Stephen Duck, Criticism, Vol. 47 no 4 (2005), pp.451–2
224. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.187
225. Stephen Duck, ‘Royal Benevolence’ (W. Harris, London, 1730)
226. Batt, op. cit., p.460; Christmas, William J., The Lab’ring Muses: Work, Writing and the Social Order in English Plebeian Poetry, 1730–1830 (University of Delaware Press, Newark, 2001), p.187
227. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.182
228. Batt, op. cit., p.459
229. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.59
230. Ibid., p.136
231. Duck, Stephen, Poems on Several Occasions (John Osborn, London, 1738), p.166
232. Ibid., p.58
233. Colton, op. cit., p.190
234. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.35
235. Stephen Duck, dedication to Poems on Several Occasions, p.vii
236. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.76
237. Groom and Prosser, op. cit., p.37
238. William Mason, ‘An Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers’, 1773
239. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.84
240. Marschner, Joanna, and Bindman, David, op. cit., p.334
241. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.79
242. Quoted in Colton, op. cit., p.11
243. Stephen Duck, dedication to Poems on Several Occasions,
244. Duck, Poems on Several Occasions, p.96
245. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.221
246. Ibid., p.222
247. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.99
248. Rosenthal, ed., op. cit., p.85
249. Black, Jeremy, op. cit. (George II), p.98
250. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.194
251. Quoted in Moore, op. cit., p.174; Wakefield, Geoffrey, The Princesses Royal (Robert Hale, London, 1973), p.85
252. Wakefield, op. cit., p.85
253. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.59
254. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 2, p.288
255. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.44
256. Document detailing ceremonial for Princess Anne’s marriage, 14 March 1734, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52790
257. Hughes, op. cit., p.110
258. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), pp.46–7; Arkell, op. cit., p.238
259. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.47
260. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.77
261. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.212
262. Baker-Smith, op. cit. (Anne), p.59
263. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.84
264. Ibid., p.60
265. Ibid., p.78
266. Black, op. cit. (Walpole in Power), p.38
267. Quoted in Arkell, op. cit., p.203
268. Thompson, op. cit., p.102
269. Quoted in Greenwood, op. cit., p.329
270. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit., pp.150–1
271. See Hervey, ‘The Death of Lord Hervey; or, a morning at court, a drama’
272. Borman, op. cit., p.180
273. Ibid., p.182
274. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.43
275. Lady Hervey to Henrietta Howard, 30 August 1729, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767, op. cit., Vol. 1, p.360
276. Quoted in Borman, op. cit., p.166
277. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.243
278. Borman, op. cit., p.187
279. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.243
280. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.115
281. Ibid., pp.110–11
282. Ibid., p.113
283. Lord Bathurst to Henrietta Howard, 26 November 1734, in Letters to and from Henrietta, Countess of Suffolk, and her second husband, the Hon George Berkeley; from 1712 to 1767, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp.122–6
284. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.135
285. Worsley, op. cit., p.178
286. Thomson, Mrs, ed., op. cit. (Memoirs of Viscountess Sundon), Vol. 1, p.248
287. Arkell, op. cit., p.227
288. Stephen Duck, ‘To His Royal Highness The Duke of Cumberland, on his Birth-Day’, Poems on Several Occasions, p.97
289. Tillyard, op. cit., p.15
290. Vivian, op. cit., p.145
291. Sir Lambert Blackwell, ‘To the Princess of Wales’, in The English Poems Collected from the Oxford and Cambridge Verses on the Death of His Royal Highness Frederick P
rince of Wales (Hamilton Bruce, Edinburgh, 1751), p.18
292. See Moore, op. cit., p.181
293. Sedgwick, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.90
294. Quoted in Vivian, op. cit., p.200
295. Caroline to Augusta, Princess of Wales, undated [1737], Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52823
296. Tillyard, op. cit., p.16
297. Gentleman’s Magazine, April 1736
298. Arkell, op. cit., p.270
299. Campbell Orr, ed., op. cit. (Queenship in Britain), p.153
300. ‘By the Right Honourable David Lord Viscount Stormont, B. A. Student of Ch. Ch’, in The English Poems, op. cit., p.6
301. See Moore, op. cit., p.236
302. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.142
303. Paulson, Ronald, Hogarth: High Art and Low, 1732–50 (James Clarke & Co., 1992), p.155
304. Worsley, op. cit., p.261
305. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 2, p.457
306. Somerset, Anne, op. cit. (Ladies in Waiting), p.221
307. Moore, op. cit., p.214
308. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.528
309. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.142
310. Ibid.
311. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 1, p.491
312. See National Archives SP36/20/321, to Lord Tankerville, 12 October 1730
313. Thompson, op. cit., p.116
314. Arkell, op. cit., p.260
315. Moore, op. cit., p.237
316. HMC Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.445
317. Jesse, John Heneage, Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reign of the Stuarts, 3 vols (Henry G. Bohn, London, 1857), p.100
318. Jay, Emma, op. cit., p.38
319. Marschner, op. cit. (Queen Caroline), p.85
320. Van der Kiste, op. cit. (King George II and Queen Caroline), p.151
321. Wilkins, op. cit., Vol. 2, p.323
322. Black, op. cit. (George II), p.159
323. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.257
324. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Hervey), Vol. 3, p.681
325. Ibid., Vol. 3, p.757
326. Frederick, Prince of Wales to King George II and Queen Caroline, 5 July 1737, Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52809
327. Sedgwick, Romney, ed., op. cit. (Kimber edition), p.275
328. Ibid.
329. Ibid., p.280
330. Caroline to Augusta, Princess of Wales, undated [1737], Royal Archives GEO/MAIN 52823
331. Jones, Mary, op. cit., p.362
332. Dr Joseph Smith, ‘Monody’, in Jesse, John Heneage, op. cit., p.84